And it is not only my experience. If you look into forums of Rafael Irizarry MOOC courses, so many questions are just about installation / incompatibilities of R packages. The solution exists for a long time: run your R in a cloud. However, customization of virtual machines (like Amazon EC2) used to be a nontrivial task.
In this post I will show how a few lines of R code can start a customized RStudio docklet in a cloud and email login credentials to course participants. So, the participant do not need to install R and the required packages. Moreover, it is guaranteed they all run exactly the same software. All they need is a decent web browser to access RStudio server.
![]() |
RStudio server login |
Running RStudio in Digital Ocean with R/analogsea
So how complicated is it today to start your RStudio on clouds? It is (almost) a one-liner:- If you do not have Digital Ocean account, get one. You should receive a promotional credit $10 (= 1 regular machine running without interruption for 1 month):
(full disclosure: if you create your account using the link above I might get an extra credit) - Install analogsea package from Github. Make sure to create Digital Ocean personal access token and in R set DO_PAT environment variable. Also create your personal SSH key and upload it to Digital Ocean.
- And now it is really easy:
# Sys.setenv(DO_PAT = "*****") set access token
# start your machine in Digital Ocean
d <- docklet_create(size = getOption("do_size", "512mb"))
# run RStudio on machine 'd' (rocker/rstudio docker image)
d %>% docklet_rstudio()
It will cost you ~$0.01 per hour ($5 per month, May 2015). When you are done, do not forget to stop your Digital Ocean machine (droplet_delete(d)). At the end, make sure that you successfully killed all your machines - either log in to Digital Ocean or by calling droplets() in R.