Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Email Netiquette

A short piece of web-scrapping I sent as a reminder to my colleague.

count.google.hits <- function(query) {
# call Google Search and extract the number of hits
url <- paste('http://www.google.com/search?q=', query, sep="")
tmp <- readLines(url, warn=FALSE)
writeLines(tmp, "c:\\temp\\pokus.html")
pattern <- ".*<div id=resultStats>[A-Za-z ]*([0-9 ,]*) results<nobr> \\([0-9.]* seconds\\).*"
count.line <- grep(pattern,tmp)[1]
hits <- sub(pattern, "\\1", tmp[[count.line]])
hits.as.number <- as.numeric(gsub(",","",hits))
hours <- seq(from=24, to=6*24, by=24)
# hours to be googled
results <- rep(0, length(hours))
names(results) <- as.character(hours)
for (X in hours) {
query <- paste('netiquette', 'recommends', 'to', 'respond', 'to', 'email',
'within', paste('"',X,'+hours"', sep=""),sep="+")
results[X/24] <- count.google.hits(query)
main="Netiquette recommends to respond to email within X hours",
ylab="Number of hits in Google Search",
view raw netiquette.r hosted with ❤ by GitHub
If you run it the result should be something like...


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